Android Expert
I've got the CDMA Workshop 3.8.0 Demo working and connected to my phone... Apparently, all I need now is/are the correct .prl file(s) to test...
Where is a good place to get them?
Second.... With the version of CDMA I have, it appears that I need to drop the .prl file in the /Favorites/prl directory to make it selectable on the other tab... No browse option that I see..
Third... Can I actually write the file with the Demo? I can't read the current one on the demo...
I'm considering just buying a license... I'm pretty sure I'd like to own this software.
A browse option will pop up when you click the write button
XDA forums has a wealth of posts with prl files as attachments
iirc a license for CDMA workshop is about 100USD which I think is a bit expensive for personal use since you might use it a handful of times. Professionally, it's a bargain though