Android Expert
ok, so i downloaded that file (above) and i get 4 files, odin, usb drivers, the sphm820 (105 bytes), and the odin fixe.tar........
so i extracted the files.... open odin just fine.....
click for ops file but no .ops suffix. just sphm820... no .ops
then phone box offers up the cwm odin fixed.tar
do i need anything in the pda??? i dont see a "phone.tar either..
sound right? my unzip hangs alot on this pile so making sure before i start and dont have my files in there.
Thx, Dale
the CWM files don't include a phone.tar. there is only one tar file and it goes in the one-package slot (this is because it only contains an image for CWM recovery and not an entire phone image)
the SPH-M820 file -is- the .ops. If it's not showing, then you have a windows PC in what I call "sucker" mode. This is with the setting for "Hide extensions for known file types" turned on. I've seen way too many a Trojan exploit that setting by replacing a .jpg with a .exe and the User can't tell the difference.