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Root [ROM][Beta][FINAL] CM7 Android For Triumph [Tickerguy Edition, Kernel: mine] 11/19

I've noticed that in the cm settings>performance that if I make a change, such as disable surface dithering and changing vm heap to 48, that they show they've taken effect, even after reboot, but they are unchanged in build.prop. Anyone else notice this? I manually edited build.prop and wow, this Rom is now what cm is supposed to be, fast and smooth.

Thanks for the tip, I never noticed the build.prop dithering value, but disabled it manually to match my settings value, rebooted & haven't noticed anything different yet, keeping my vm heap size to default 32, not sure if I want any single app to take more than that much memory. I believe apps that need more don't obey that value anyway (i.e. games)
Thanks for the tip, I never noticed the build.prop dithering value, but disabled it manually to match my settings value, rebooted & haven't noticed anything different yet, keeping my vm heap size to default 32, not sure if I want any single app to take more than that much memory. I believe apps that need more don't obey that value anyway (i.e. games)

I've noticed on slower devices like the T-Mobile mytouch, a 600mhz device, that dithering enabled made for a smoother look but was so slow, speed wasn't effected, but on my incredible 2, 1ghz, same as triumph, that it sped up when disabled, on that phone I set the vm heap to 64, but it had 768 MB of ram, made for optimum multitasking and switching say between Netflix and messaging. I dunno, I don't claim this to be the best setting, but at least now we can legitimately try other settings. Just my two cents.
Did anyone else have issues with link2sd after the upgrade to CM7? I was running stock with root and oc kernel before hand. I have my 32GB sd card formatted in fat32 on the main part and fat32 on the 1GB second partition. This worked perfectly before. However since I was having very horrible battery life I decided to give this ROM a shot. Now battery life is better but I cannot for the life of me get link2sd to actually create the scripts no matter what I format the sd card in or what. I have tried formatting the whole thing and letting CWM do it itself but even that didn't work. I am at a loss.
A lot of times the issues people have stem from restoring the data from a previous ROM and/or build. That is the first thing I would change if I had issues after a flash. Glad you got it figured out.

Thanks Agentc13. How do you suggest one diagnose a bad app data issue? Should you allow Market to reload apps, then not use Titanium to reload the data when there are problems? Then if there are issues, to try reloading some app data and see if it is OK. Kind of like Windows boot apps?

Thanks. I am still trying to figure this out.
Thanks Agentc13. How do you suggest one diagnose a bad app data issue? Should you allow Market to reload apps, then not use Titanium to reload the data when there are problems? Then if there are issues, to try reloading some app data and see if it is OK. Kind of like Windows boot apps?

Thanks. I am still trying to figure this out.
Well, the best thing to keep old data from causing issues to either reinstall them from the market, or if using Titanium Backup (TiBu) don't restore the data (just the app).
That probably isn't needed every time as it usually is not an issue. I use TiBu to restore my stuff because it is a real PITA to get everything how you want it again. But if you have issues, I would re-flash the ROM and make sure you clear the data, cache, etc. Then reinstall apps one by one testing between them to make sure they are not what is causing the issue. So yeah, basically what you were thinking. ;)
All my contacts have a country code + number. This is used to dial international numbers when abroad or at home with VOIP.

+1 = USA This is the first time I encounter this issue with any phone or rom.

So if I am traveling abroad and I need to dial the USA the +1 will know automatically it's an international number. When I am at home, it should know I am home.

I only have this issue with numbers imported from Facebook.
When I watch a youtube video, I get strange ghosting/jitter effects. Is it a fault of the ROM, the CM7 source, or some quirk with the phone? I rooted and got off the stock ROM as quickly as I could, so I don't know if the phone had this problem out of the box.
When I watch a youtube video, I get strange ghosting/jitter effects. Is it a fault of the ROM, the CM7 source, or some quirk with the phone? I rooted and got off the stock ROM as quickly as I could, so I don't know if the phone had this problem out of the box.
Portrait mode or landscape?
It is a known thing for portrait mode ( I think for stock as well, but I might be mistaken). Landscape shouldn't have that issue.
This ROM was a lifesaver at work today! I work at a radio station and we depend on e-mail heavily especially at this time of year (Christmas advertising).. the internet was down for most of the day and I don't know what we would have down without the wireless tether feature!

Thanks to Tickerguy, Isaac, and everyone who helped port this to the Triumph. It makes the phone SO much better!!
This ROM was a lifesaver at work today! I work at a radio station and we depend on e-mail heavily especially at this time of year (Christmas advertising).. the internet was down for most of the day and I don't know what we would have down without the wireless tether feature!

Thanks to Tickerguy, Isaac, and everyone who helped port this to the Triumph. It makes the phone SO much better!!

hey that's cool. An actual legitimate use! Thanks for posting that, Britton.
Has anyone seen a data drop with the latest update? I've not seen any comments saying they have......

If you are curious you can open the terminal emulator and start the following:

$ su
# logcat -b radio | grep bad

Then hit "HOME" and the program will remain running (unless you run low on RAM, at which point it will get whacked, but...)

The above line will not print anything UNLESS the "bad connection" tracking code gets hit. This will give you the ability to see an entry for each time the code finds a bad data connection and resets it. Note that the expectation is that this is the only way you'll ever see them, as the point where the drop gets detected is essentially instantly when it fails (e.g. it's not polling for status, it actually catches the state transition when the failure happens.)

It should also be pretty hard to get materially under 100Mb of free map space in RAM with this build, which helps the "user experience" a LOT. While it's not impossible to drive the system lower on free RAM it was pretty easy to get it down into the 50MB range before, and that's too low - Android does poorly when it gets RAM constrained, and the adjustments I made to the free space management routines in the latest update should make it almost impossible to get backed into that corner now. The code has was adjusted to be heavily prejudiced against services and data providers that do not have active consumers of their respective resources and to start protecting available memory in the 80-100MB range rather than allowing system RAM to fall into what IMHO are critical free space levels first.

Finally, if you want to get even MORE aggressive the "V6 Supercharger" script is in /system/xbin, as the author says is ok. I don't run it but you might want to; I suspect you get 90% of the benefit of doing so with the adjustments I made to the minfree maps.

Recently I noticed that my browser has to reload often when I come back to it after running other apps for a while. Then remembered TG made some 'minfree' memory tweaks. Basically he raised the level of free RAM before Android starts killing idle processes, thus keeping more memory free to speed up loading new apps. This is all good if you're loading new apps. But if you want to keep more apps cached in memory, the default Android settings are more appropriate.

Default Android starts killing idle apps when less than 24 MB is free, with TG's values, it starts killing at 90 MB. Now I'm from the camp that believes the Android OS is good at managing multiple apps in the background 90+% of the time, and any free memory is wasted memory. Instead it should be used to cache and keep more apps in the background ready to be run again. So if you agree with this, you may want to reset the values to default Android OS values & reboot.

In /etc/init.d/99memory, 2nd to last line, the default Android OS values are:

NOTE: These are pages, so (6144 * 4)/1024) = 24 MB

Basically CM7 B0.8 values are more like running mildly-aggressive V6 Supercharger scripts, which I was never a fan of. So this restores it to default (my belief is that the Google engineers have it right since they know the internals better than tweakers). If you disagree, it's fine to leave it the way it is.

UPDATE: Default values for 512MB devices like the MT are "2048,3072,4096,6144,7168,8192"
When I watch a youtube video, I get strange ghosting/jitter effects. Is it a fault of the ROM, the CM7 source, or some quirk with the phone? I rooted and got off the stock ROM as quickly as I could, so I don't know if the phone had this problem out of the box.

i get the same thing but its not just youtube, its all videos in portrait. the only way i know to get around it is switch to landscape or, on a sidenote, the MIUI rom handles vids perfectly in either direction...
[big snip]

Basically CM7 B0.8 values are more like running mildly-aggressive V6 Supercharger scripts, [snip]

...and ends any semblance of multitasking in many cases. I was wondering if this could be changed. If I would have known it was that easy, I'd have done it long ago. Thanks for posting this!
...and ends any semblance of multitasking in many cases. I was wondering if this could be changed. If I would have known it was that easy, I'd have done it long ago. Thanks for posting this!

Yes! Thanks.. cause when I press home to send the browser into memory and then open my e-mail app (for example) whatever I had open in the browser I wanted to copy and paste now has to reload.

I've always thought it was nice to see 100mb free RAM available at all times, but I now believe that is really just 100mb of RAM that I will never be using for anything.. which defeats the purpose.
In /etc/init.d/99memory, 2nd to last line, the default Android OS values are:


And for those of you who might have forgotten to backup the values TG used (in case you decide to go back to them), here it is:

And for those of you who might have forgotten to backup the values TG used (in case you decide to go back to them), here it is:


I noticed on the very first post, Tickerguy "strongly recommends" not changing the first three values. So should I only change the last three? Or would that work?
When I watch a youtube video, I get strange ghosting/jitter effects. Is it a fault of the ROM, the CM7 source, or some quirk with the phone? I rooted and got off the stock ROM as quickly as I could, so I don't know if the phone had this problem out of the box.

This happens to me for every video in Portrait Mode on MIUI. Not sure about CM7 since I havent tried it out yet. I just restored my stock nandroid and videos play perfectly in any orientation.
I noticed on the very first post, Tickerguy "strongly recommends" not changing the first three values. So should I only change the last three? Or would that work?

Yes you could leave the 2nd value alone (TG's value), but I think Google engineers had a reason to use those as default, I highly doubt they picked them out of thin air. They probably have done more experimentation in different environments than any of us could (but you're free to experiment away).

I see the only value changed in the first three values is. 3072 to 2048. What is that doing exactly?

This article describes what we're adjusting here, except I think it reached the wrong conclusion that it improves multitasking when it just leaves more free RAM laying around, not necessary improves multitasking as some have experienced.

Fine tuning the MinFree settings | Android Central

TG's warning about not adjusting the 1st 3 values is more for those who are playing with it to find a value that works for them. All I'm suggesting is restoring to default Android OS values, which is safe (just be careful to enter those numbers correctly).
Anyone having problem with voicemail notification? I have been getting Voicemail but not notification that I have them. I have to check my Voicemail daily if not I will miss them. I just noticed this problem recently :(

I am using ticker guy last version off The software.
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