Bottomline: total noob, so please be gentle

Here's my current Evo 4G setup. Below the screenshot are my priorities.
View attachment 21496
I'd like to root to
1) increase my battery life
2) put myself in a position to "upgrade" my root with minimal effort when unrootable gingerbread is available
3) keep a very similar theme, bootload, etc to my existing environment
4) keep and upgrade Sense to the maximum possible
5) enable me to explore flashing ROMs, themes, bootloads, etc after I become more comfortable with rooting
6) delete bloatware
7) enable HDMI and music playback over external media (i.e. play netflix media over my HDMI capable TV and play music through my stereo system and laptop)
My questions are
1) which version of unrevoked should I use?
2) do I need to accept any of the OTA updates first if I decide to go ahead and root with Revolution?
I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go. If you have any questions of me, please do ask. Thank you!