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Root ROOTING For Dummies

Thanks boss. Do you have this PRL on your phone? Anyone else have this 01115 prl. does it effect any of the features of the phone? That's gonna be pretty sad if they start loosing a lot of service.

I have that prl and its actually a little better I think.
Thanks boss. Do you have this PRL on your phone? Anyone else have this 01115 prl. does it effect any of the features of the phone? That's gonna be pretty sad if they start loosing a lot of service.

yeah i'm on 01115 as well. i have not seen any difference between the previous prl and this one.
this is great!!! however....when I restarted my EVO...I have no Market...to download all my programs....anyone else have that happen..any solutions?

oh, and I cant update PRL or Profile...it goes there...but just a black screen?!

actually....It rebooted, but unrevoked is saying waiting for reboot?
hmmm....not completey new to this, but I haven't rooted since last July....new EVO....I know thinkgs change so often...I jsut followed the instructions and thought this was to simple...was I suppose to flash soemthing too? I ahve had clockworkMod in the past...??? sorry for sounding dumb!
I'm not interested in any custom rom....just want the root.
trying to root! I think I am...S is OFF
but i didn't not use a PC36IMG file...I cleared my old off my SD card....do I need to Flash that zip file?
so you said you have s-off? do you have a recovery? go to hboot(power off then press and hold power+vol down) select bootloader and select recovery.
yes, I have as I had in the past ClockworkMod recovery.....is that right? everyone is talking about Amon Ra 2.3? I am trying to find a good link for it....just tried downloading one and it wanted to burn it to DVD/CD....then do i need to find the PC36IMG files somewhere else? I looked on your links and got confused what I actually need to get to my SD card....sorry...:(
just looking for basic root.....
ok so here is the link for amon ra 2.3 (good choice of recovery:))PC36IMG_RA_2.3.zip.
1. just download it and rename the file by deleting "_RA_2.3" in the name of the file. it needs to be named PC36IMG.zip exactly. and remember that windows hides extensions. do not name it PC36IMG.zip.zip.

2. move the file to the root of your sd card( not in any folder)

3.go to hboot( power off then press and hold power+vol down)

4. select yes to update by pressing vol up.

and you now have amon ra 2.3 installed!
so it's not going to "Update"...should I go to recovery and upload zip from SD card?
whoa, wait....it is named zip.zip....WTF....ok I will try to re name it....wierd!
Oh by the way, I was in the Sprint store...the sale guy said that after this week or last, can't remember...."rooting" your sprint phone wont void the warrenty....didn't know if you knew that or not. But that's cool!!!! thanks agian!
is that officially coming from sprint? or is that coming from a salesperson? i do not think that sprint really cares about your phone being rooted, however.
he is not a corporate store...a retailer(manager of the store)...we were taling and i told him my phone rooted....he said, "well, i'm not supposed to talk about it yet...but next week(this was last wk) they are goign to "lift" the rule, that you can't get your warrenty....he said sprint really doesn't check anyway...and they know people want to beable to "play" with thiere phones the way they want to! so that is good!!! I'm sure it will be out soon!
Phone is working great, by the way!!! Thanks again!! technology changes so quickly, i used 9 month old instructions and was looked in recovery for 9 hours....UHG!!! so glad i'm good to go!!!!!
huh interesting. that will be good for sprint if they do adapt that policy. i would not have to unroot my phone if i have to take it in again.

well if that happens every thing root is going to get really crowed ... thats awesome though.. alot of people will see what there phone can really do
I gotta give madd props for all this instruction. I've had my EVO for about a year and was kinda nervous about rooting cus I didn't want to brick my phone. I finally manned up and crossed over and I couldn't have done it without this thread! Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible...now if I can figure out a way to watch movies on netflix from my EVO I would be set!lol
I gotta give madd props for all this instruction. I've had my EVO for about a year and was kinda nervous about rooting cus I didn't want to brick my phone. I finally manned up and crossed over and I couldn't have done it without this thread! Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible...now if I can figure out a way to watch movies on netflix from my EVO I would be set!lol

we dont have netflix yet but you can watch hulu, espn, tvshows, etc. also just heard android market will have movies you can rent soon. rental is good for 30 days but you gotta finish the movie within 24 hours of starting it. You can dl it for non streaming access also. Coming soon to a market near you.
also if you have hbo and your cable company is hooked up with android then you can download the hbo go app from the market.. it is pretty cool stuff.
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