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Root ROOTING For Dummies

Device Build Number:
Android Version: 2.2
HBoot Version:2.10.0001
unrevoked Version Used:3.32
Recovery: ClockworkMod Recovery v2.6.0.1
Custom ROM: Sprint's Custom
Custom Kernel: Sprint's Custom

I wanted to use titanium backup but it saids i dont have superuser permission y made the terminal proceses to check if I was rooted and yes i was y enter the bootloader and said it was s-off in green so i tried to unroot so i can root again but when i try to flash the unrevoked-forever-son the clockworkmod says it cant open the file y put it in the right place can you help me please i dont know what to do
also where did i find the kernel version and the device build number

hold on before you unroot. go to your app drawer, do you have the superuser app? if you do click on it and see if titanium backup is allowed access. if not, then click on it and allow it access. you shoud be good to go after that.
hold on before you unroot. go to your app drawer, do you have the superuser app? if you do click on it and see if titanium backup is allowed access. if not, then click on it and allow it access. you shoud be good to go after that.

What app do you mean the one that you can donwload it from the market or the superuser permission app y its the first i cant install it sais installation unsuccessfull and if its the other i have titanium backup allow also as busybox and terminal emulator
Thanks for answering so quick :)
What app do you mean the one that you can donwload it from the market or the superuser permission app y its the first i cant install it sais installation unsuccessfull and if its the other i have titanium backup allow also as busybox and terminal emulator
Thanks for answering so quick :)

He's talking about the superuser app. Maybe uninstall it first and then reinstall it from the market and then open TB.
if you are rooted it should already be in your app drawer. it allows any app that requires a rooted phone (ie titanium backup) to be accessed. sometimes in titanium backup it asks for user permissions too fast and it won't allow access to superuser. so you can go into the superuser app and it should say "deny". just change that by clicking on it and select "allow".
i cant unistall it because it isnt installed i cant install it

Just flash a different ROM, rather than unroot.

Do you have root explorer or ES explorer. You could go to /system/app and see if you have an app in there superuser.apk. If so delete it and then try to install.

I don't think you should have to unroot to get it.
Thanks so much to every one i just reinstalled like 3 times and it worked thanks by the way is there any rom you recomend thanks
Thanks so much to every one i just reinstalled like 3 times and it worked thanks by the way is there any rom you recomend thanks

MikFroyo, IMO, is the best one out there. It can be found here.

Myn is pretty good to, and if you are looking for AOSP (Stock Android) CM7 is good.

Just all depends on what you want/need. If you like sense or if you don't. If you have 4g or not. Go back to the OP and check out the link to all the different ROMs and just read up on them. I've tried about 8 different ROMs and Mikfroyo has been, hands down, the best one, again IMO.
Hey guys,

I finished the ROOTING process and now at the part where I make sure I successfully rooted before I continue.
It says to move to BOOTLOADER but I dont see anything on the white screen that says BOOTLOADER?? The only options I have are FASTBOOT, RECOVERY, CLEAR STORAGE, SIMLOCK, AND HBOOT USB. What do I click on to make sure its rooted?

Power down the device by holding the POWER button for 2 seconds. Allow it to shutdown completely. Wait about 10 seconds before next step.

Hold down VOL DOWN + POWER until device boots into a White Screen.
Move to BOOTLOADER by using the VOL DOWN toggle and select by using POWER button. The device will now boot into Recovery mode.

You should now see something like this when it fully loads.


Aug 19 2010, 14:29:08

Hey guys,

I finished the ROOTING process and now at the part where I make sure I successfully rooted before I continue.
It says to move to BOOTLOADER but I dont see anything on the white screen that says BOOTLOADER?? The only options I have are FASTBOOT, RECOVERY, CLEAR STORAGE, SIMLOCK, AND HBOOT USB. What do I click on to make sure its rooted?

You are in bootloader. It will probably say bootloader towards the top. Do you see the s-off information?

Being a cardinal fan you will like this. Link
You are in bootloader. It will probably say bootloader towards the top. Do you see the s-off information?

Being a cardinal fan you will like this. Link

Ah, yeah I realized after I posted that and now I see the S-OFF.
Thanks for clarifying that though.

That Cardinals setup is pretty sweet. I'll have to look into that after I finish the rest of the process (Doing the NAND backup now).
Ah, yeah I realized after I posted that and now I see the S-OFF.
Thanks for clarifying that though.

That Cardinals setup is pretty sweet. I'll have to look into that after I finish the rest of the process (Doing the NAND backup now).

Good deal. Sounds like you are good to go. As soon as you do that back up and flash a custom ROM of your choosing, backup that ROM and delete your original nand because you will never use it again. ;)

PS...Just hit me up when/if you want some of that cardinals setup.
no problem. you know where to ask if you have any questions.

So Do you know if any one has had problems with the batteries heating up and going dead in less then 30 minutes? I rooted per your help a couple weeks ago...everythign has been great....then yesterday morning, my phone died at work, right when i got there!!! I had it plugged in all nite! Anyway, i have an extra battery, thinking it was just a faulity battery....well the old battery is doing the same thing!!! Gets very hot and dies quickly!!! I'm guessing it had something to do with rooting??? It's a new phone.....idk! Help please!!!!!:rolleyes:
Good deal. Sounds like you are good to go. As soon as you do that back up and flash a custom ROM of your choosing, backup that ROM and delete your original nand because you will never use it again. ;)

PS...Just hit me up when/if you want some of that cardinals setup.

I'm somewhat lost already. I'm trying to download myn's warm twopointtwo from this [ROM] Myn’s Warm TwoPointTwo - [RLS 5 - 01/07/2011] - More Than Meets The Eye! - xda-developers

I read the following and I'm not sure what to do next? Do I have to download a Kernal and I have to update my radio/wimax?? :confused:

As this ROM now uses the latest official HTC Kernel (#15) you MUST update your Radio/Wimax. I recommend Calkulin's combo update which is available here or via direct download here.

edit- I have ROM Manager premium if that means anything?
So Do you know if any one has had problems with the batteries heating up and going dead in less then 30 minutes? I rooted per your help a couple weeks ago...everythign has been great....then yesterday morning, my phone died at work, right when i got there!!! I had it plugged in all nite! Anyway, i have an extra battery, thinking it was just a faulity battery....well the old battery is doing the same thing!!! Gets very hot and dies quickly!!! I'm guessing it had something to do with rooting??? It's a new phone.....idk! Help please!!!!!:rolleyes:

Doubt that it has to do with rooting. A lot more info would be great. Are you running a custom ROM, kernel, etc? Any Advanced Task Killers? Is it fully charging? Is your charger bad? Wall outlet bad?

If you are running custom kernel are you overclocking? Get an app called Battery monitor Widget, it's free and you can place it on a home screen and monitor your temp and a lot of other things.

Highly doubt that it has anything to do with you rooting your phone. It would most likely have something to do with what you have done since rooting your phone, ie settings, apps installed, etc. Or it could just be a defective phone.
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