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Root ROOTING For Dummies

so, charger is fine, I have mulitple charges 4 and all are the same.
just root, no custom rom, kernel, adroid 2.2. Advanced Task killer free. yeah, I just reset the phone and I got a message "low on space"..phone storage is getting low. That's odd...it's new and i don't have much on it!...Ihave used the advanced task killer free before and never had any issues!!! I also sometimes reset the phone and it wil start up and not be where it should, looks like factory reset...however there is a box next to settings icon that says "problem loading"....maybe I need to back up everything and set back to factory reset? and reload?

something else I noticed...all my programs have been stored in the internal phone storage, not my SD card....I only have 13.57 MB.....could that be the problem? My old phone made it easy to move programs to SD card...but i can't seem to know how to do it on this phone. I have a file explorer too...
Ok first lets get you into the better recovery option, Amon_RA, go into ROM manager and scroll to the bottom and flash the alternative recovery, here is a thread on Amon_ra.

Is that all I had to do? Just tap 'flash alternate recovery' and it does the rest?

As for radios just check your version of it, odds are you probably won't need to upgrade, here's link to the radios(which I think is also in the OP-After rooting section 6)
My radio version is and PRI is 1.90_003. Am I good to download the theme without updating?

Only reason you would need to download a custom kernel is if you wanted to do something different. Here's a link to a kernel starter guide and a link to netarchy kernel thread.
So, I do not need to download any kernal to use the Myn theme, correct?

Word of advice, don't use ROM manager to download/install your ROMs, download them via the net to your pc then move them to your sdcard and us Amon_RA to flash them.

Any more questions feel free to ask.
so, charger is fine, I have mulitple charges 4 and all are the same.
just root, no custom rom, kernel, adroid 2.2. Advanced Task killer free. yeah, I just reset the phone and I got a message "low on space"..phone storage is getting low. That's odd...it's new and i don't have much on it!...Ihave used the advanced task killer free before and never had any issues!!! I also sometimes reset the phone and it wil start up and not be where it should, looks like factory reset...however there is a box next to settings icon that says "problem loading"....maybe I need to back up everything and set back to factory reset? and reload?

Hmm..First thing is get rid of ATK, no need, it actually does more harm than good I've found.

Why don't you try to flash a custom ROM? In the process of doing that you will have to do a factory reset.

Settings icon? What settings icon are you talking about?

I would recommend just flashing a custom ROM, if you like the sprint stuff and don't want to sway too far from that then get the sprint lovers ROM, I'd link you but I don't know where it's located. I think it might be mentioned in the OP or you could do a different ROM.
Is that all I had to do? Just tap 'flash alternate recovery' and it does the rest?

Yes, did it say it was successful? You could check buy turning your phone off and then turning it back on while holding down the volume down button. It will take you into bootloader and then use the volume down key to scroll to recovery and press the power button to go to recovery. As it's loading it should say in the bottom something to the effect of "supersonic v2.3"

My radio version is and PRI is 1.90_003. Am I good to download the theme without updating?
As for the radio version you are good to go, no need to update. However I hope you mean ROM, because "theme" and "ROM" are two different things.

So, I do not need to download any kernal to use the Myn theme, correct?
No most devs include the stock kernel, the one that comes with your phone out of the box, when they create their ROMs, however if you want the joys of better battery life and increased performance you will need to flash a custom kernel at some point. Just start with the ROM and then learn about kernels later. That's what I did and I'm sure that's what a lot of others did as well.
Thanks, I will delete avtk and put a cutom rom....also the settings button...the the green and grey wheel....when you go to settings.

That's weird that you get that message on the settings. So is it when you hit the menu button and then look at settings?

I would say custom ROM will solve your issues. Be sure to read in the threads of the ROM you decide to flash for directions and what not.
Yes, did it say it was successful? You could check buy turning your phone off and then turning it back on while holding down the volume down button. It will take you into bootloader and then use the volume down key to scroll to recovery and press the power button to go to recovery. As it's loading it should say in the bottom something to the effect of "supersonic v2.3"

As for the radio version you are good to go, no need to update. However I hope you mean ROM, because "theme" and "ROM" are two different things.

No most devs include the stock kernel, the one that comes with your phone out of the box, when they create their ROMs, however if you want the joys of better battery life and increased performance you will need to flash a custom kernel at some point. Just start with the ROM and then learn about kernels later. That's what I did and I'm sure that's what a lot of others did as well.

Thanks, and Yeah, I meant ROM. I'm downloading the ROM now and going to attempt to flash it. Hopefully I don't fudge anything up. :p
Um....I have more problems...UHG....So I was ready the directions and am still downloading it to my lap top...it recommended that you wipe cache and dalvit-cash and....I did and was just going to restart the phone...it want get past the white, HCT EVO 4G screen?! Man....Anyway, good news is that i can still take the battery out and get to hboot and recovery!!! I have not put the Rom on the SD card yet, in fact not sure how to do that .....
Um....I have more problems...UHG....So I was ready the directions and am still downloading it to my lap top...it recommended that you wipe cache and dalvit-cash and....I did and was just going to restart the phone...it want get past the white, HCT EVO 4G screen?! Man....Anyway, good news is that i can still take the battery out and get to hboot and recovery!!! I have not put the Rom on the SD card yet, in fact not sure how to do that .....

Just pull the battery out and stick it back in and reboot.

What recovery are you using? Amon_RA? You can do all that from recovery, as for putting the ROM to your sdcard.
Android Version 2.2
Build number 3.70.651.1
Hardware version 0002
Hboot 2.10.0001

I am having trouble with unrevoked not working for me. I am on a mac book pro and I have usb debugging enabled and charge only on. I have tried it with disk mount too. The cable is a sprint Data/Charge cable and I have tried restarting my computer several times (even PR'd it). However, unrevoked won't get past waiting for device stage. It never detects the phone? Any suggestions? I am stuck!
Android Version 2.2
Build number 3.70.651.1
Hardware version 0002
Hboot 2.10.0001

I am having trouble with unrevoked not working for me. I am on a mac book pro and I have usb debugging enabled and charge only on. I have tried it with disk mount too. The cable is a sprint Data/Charge cable and I have tried restarting my computer several times (even PR'd it). However, unrevoked won't get past waiting for device stage. It never detects the phone? Any suggestions? I am stuck!

Sounds like a driver issue. Im not familiar with Mac setup though, setup that us what setup sounds like.
I do have Amon RA recovery....sorry brain fart...how from recovery can i get it on to my SD card Usually I just drop it in from my computor, but I can't do that..becasue of being stuck in recovery. Sorry for being a pain......
Now that I have The New Sprint Lovers Rom...can you recommend a good back up?? I bought Titanium Back up Pro....and I have used MYbackUP Pro too. I just want an easy way to reset my apps and stuff. Thanks!
Now that I have The New Sprint Lovers Rom...can you recommend a good back up?? I bought Titanium Back up Pro....and I have used MYbackUP Pro too. I just want an easy way to reset my apps and stuff. Thanks!

titanium backup is hands down the best one out there. Be sure when restoring only restore user apps, NO SYSTEM DATA OR SYSTEM APPS.

You can restore apps with data if you want.
Great, so i need so others? Yes everything is working great I love the ROM!!!!
Oh, Quick question!! So the PCS zip files that I have on my SD...do I need to leave them on there? The Sprint Lovers is 250 MB....I would like to store it on my Desk top?! Oh and my old titanium backed up on the 10th......I did back up data, I didn't know....but I will only do apps going forward...I thnk I just have to re-install all my stuff...:(
Great, so i need so others? Yes everything is working great I love the ROM!!!!
Oh, Quick question!! So the PCS zip files that I have on my SD...do I need to leave them on there? The Sprint Lovers is 250 MB....I would like to store it on my Desk top?! Oh and my old titanium backed up on the 10th......I did back up data, I didn't know....but I will only do apps going forward...I thnk I just have to re-install all my stuff...:(

For the zip files no you don't have to keep them on your SD if you don't want. Just be sure to make a nand backup.

You won't have to reinstall your stuff if you backup your apps. Just restore missing apps and you will be good.
Device Build Number - 3.70.651.1 CL294884 release-keys
Android Version - 2.2
HBOOT Version - 2.10.0001
Unrevoked Version - 3.32

Using Laptop with Windows XP.

I used this guide for rooting my phone; I did everything exactly as it stated to do it; I installed the drivers and then when I download and run unrevoked it just stays at the screen that says "waiting for device."

I've never been able to get past this part.

Anyone have any ideas what I can do?

Basically same problem as the guy Dan above me had; only mine's with windows XP and not a Mac.

I'm at work now so i won't be able to try anything until tonight; but hopefully someone can help! I spent about 4 hours trying to get past that point and just doing google searches/searches on this forum and couldn't find anything to help.

Also, I used a laptop I'd never plugged the phone into before to try it so HTC Sense is not installed on that laptop so that wouldn't be it...

Thanks in advance!
Device Build Number - 3.70.651.1 CL294884 release-keys
Android Version - 2.2
HBOOT Version - 2.10.0001
Unrevoked Version - 3.32

Using Laptop with Windows XP.

I used this guide for rooting my phone; I did everything exactly as it stated to do it; I installed the drivers and then when I download and run unrevoked it just stays at the screen that says "waiting for device."

I've never been able to get past this part.

Anyone have any ideas what I can do?

Basically same problem as the guy Dan above me had; only mine's with windows XP and not a Mac.

I'm at work now so i won't be able to try anything until tonight; but hopefully someone can help! I spent about 4 hours trying to get past that point and just doing google searches/searches on this forum and couldn't find anything to help.

Also, I used a laptop I'd never plugged the phone into before to try it so HTC Sense is not installed on that laptop so that wouldn't be it...

Thanks in advance!

I assume you mean HTC sync? You are having a driver issue as well. Uninstall all instances of HTC sync from your machine and reboot. Then reinstall it and plug your phone in and do disk drive to make sure it connects to it. Then before doing unrevoked uninstall ONLY HTC Sync, and leave the drivers in there.
something else I noticed...all my programs have been stored in the internal phone storage, not my SD card....I only have 13.57 MB.....could that be the problem? My old phone made it easy to move programs to SD card...but i can't seem to know how to do it on this phone. I have a file explorer too...

OK I know you solved your problem by flashing a different rom and we can figure why, you wiped everything and didnt reinstall apps yet.

I just want to address the free memory and apps to sd card issue real quick. 13.57mb is low. You need more than that, the phone will have trouble running when it is that low, it will need memory to do basic operations and install new apps and such and it just plain running out. Most of your issues likely came from that. What is weird is you said you didnt have that much on your phone...?

Sorry the evo came with a measly 512mb. Luckily we have sd cards. There is a built in way to move apps to the sd card which may alleviate your problems for a while. Its is froyo app2sd. You can basically go into setting/applications/manage applications and from there you can move them to your sd card. Not all can be moved, though you can force them but its not always safe. Anything with an associated widget cant be moved it will cease to function properly and disappear after a reboot. If it cant be moved, the move to sd card option will be blanked (you can force it with something like Tib but I dont suggest it). Apps2sd however while it moves part of the app to the sd card it still retains part of it on the internal storage so it can still run the app. Splits the app in two so it can access it still, part on internal, part on sd card in android secure. If you use apps2sd youll want to back up android secure in amon ra (cw already does this by default). App2sd may give you enough space...

The preferred method is to move the apps with a2sd (dont confuse with apps2sd, its different). This method moves the app completely and entirely to the sd card. It can do this because it utilizes a symlink so the system can still find it. The system will only look in two places for an app, a2sd moved all your apps from those two locations, so it creates a link so that when system looks in system/app it still grabs the app that is on your sd card. This is the method i use and i have most of my space free except the actual size of the rom itself.

The rub with a2sd is that you need to partition your sd card and you likely want a card better than class 2...

Its possible your original set up could have been saved if you had moved everything using apps2sd, may have freed up enough memory to run properly. Flashing a new rom is great, all the bloatware is gone, they are faster, etc etc. Just know in case your memory gets low again and you start having issues you may be better served by just moving what you can to the sd card. The new rom saved the day because it was smaller and had bloat removed which left you more free space. If you put a lot more apps on you will run into it again likely unless you utilize the sd card, thats why its there :)
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