Android Expert
Are there any reports of this working on a Canadian (Public Mobile) Warp? I had bad luck last time I experimented with Boost Roms(GPS died and missed calls issue became worse). Now on my 2nd Warp I'd love to see something other than gingerbread on my phone and maybe play GTA San Andreas (it doesn't work in gingerbread)
Thank you for your efforts but please consider making a public mobile version of the ROM. Thanks again.
Hey sersoft, long time no see... There's been some development in this direction... if you want to run the cm10 for boost, use THIS firmware package, it is the Boost b10 firmware with the public mobile b08 radio. It puts us on the same platform... if you want to experiment with other roms for boost, THIS thread may be of use to you... if you want to revert back to b08 firmware, you can find it in the Voltron rom thread or in the Unification portal tread.. or HERE... the only thing that the mms wont work with public on the cm10 but we'll get there when the time comes...